1 Brooklyn Methodist hospital, ACE institute of technology New York, USA.
2 Nanchang Medical university, Brooklyn Methodist hospital.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2025, 21(02), 133–142
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2025.21.2.0122
Received on 21 December 2024; revised on 31 January 2025; accepted on 02 February 2025
Background: About 296 million individuals worldwide suffer from chronic liver disease and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, which is the primary cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer worldwide. Chronic hepatitis B has become a serious public health concern in China. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, is one of the main causes of cirrhosis worldwide. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that advanced fibrosis was present in up to 10.3% of NAFLD patients. These results imply that considerable fibrosis, severe fibrosis, and cirrhosis can be evaluated using real-time shear wave elastography (SWE).
Objective: To determine ultrasound evaluation of chronic liver disease
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Brooklyn Methodist hospital, ACE institute of technology New York, USA, which was performed between July 2022 and September 2024, The total patients in our study was 116. In 116 consecutive patients who underwent for ultrasound evaluation of chronic liver disease before their scheduled liver biopsy (58 men, 58 women). We used Michael Mindray ultrasound machine and its frequency was C6-1. The stages of liver fibrosis according to the METAVIR classification system. Data was tabulated and analyzed by SPSS version 27.
Results: According to our study total patients were 116, Distribution of patients according to gender was (58 were males and 58 were females). Distribution of patients according to mean age (out of 116 patients, 43.8983 were males and 47.9492 were females). Distribution of patients on the basis of Fatty Liver (n=116). Frequency of no fatty liver was 48 and its percentage was 41.5 %. Frequency of mild fatty liver was 39 and its percentage was 33.1 %. Frequency of moderate fatty liver was 8 and its percentage was 6.8 %. Frequency of sever fatty liver was 21 and its percentage was 18.6 %. Distribution of patients on the basis of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C with respect to gender (n=116). Hepatitis B was present in male patients 57 (98.3%) and Hepatitis B was not present in male patients 1 (1.7%). Hepatitis B was present in female patients 57 (98.3%) and Hepatitis B was not present in female patients 1 (1.7%).
Hepatitis C was present in male patients 45 (78.0%) and Hepatitis C was not present in male patients 13 (22.0%). Hepatitis C was present in female patients 49 (84.7%) and Hepatitis C was not present in female patients 9 (15.3 %). P-value of stages of Liver fibrosis with respect to gender is 0.005.
Conclusion: Our result concluded that ultrasound is the first line of imaging modality to diagnose chronic liver disease. Liver fibrosis is more common in females as compared to males. According to the age males have higher risk as compare to females. Ultrasound is a straightforward, quick, and repeatable technique for noninvasively assessing of chronic liver disease. Benefits include its low cost and global availability.
Ultrasound (USG); Liver fibrosis; Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C; Ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE)
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Malik Murtaza and Nasar Ullah Farooqi. Ultrasound evaluation of chronic liver disease. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2025, 21(02), 133–142. Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjbphs.2025.21.2.0122.
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