2933/E, East of chord road, Vijayanagar 2nd stage, Bangalore, Karnataka 560040, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2025, 21(02), 405-409
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2025.21.2.0087
Received on 12 December 2024; revised on 27 January 2025; accepted on 30 January 2025
Shallaki (Boswellia serratta) and Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum) extracts are commonly used in ayurveda as anti-inflammatory agents. They are used in prevention and treatment of diarrhea. They are known to possess anti-bacterial properties due to the presence of anti-biofilm properties of some of their constituent compounds such as terpenes. Ayurvedic medicine can be considered for treating bacterial infections alongside with or in place of allopathic antibiotics such as Vancomycin to overcome the growing issue of antibiotic resistance in bacteria that makes it harder to treat. Shallaki and Jeeraka show many health benefits and have minimal negative side effects therefore can be ideal to provide a low-cost and effective solution to overcome antibiotic resistance.
Shallaki (Boswellia serratta); Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum); Ayurveda; Boswellic acids; Phenolic compounds; Terpenes; Anti-biofilm activity, Antibiotic resistance; Allopathy
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Saanvi Venugopal and Aditya Shukla. Ayurvedic medicine as a solution to replace antibiotics in order to combat antibiotic resistance in bacteria. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2025, 21(02), 405-409. Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjbphs.2025.21.2.0087.
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